Got the second frame cleaned up, primed, and riveted together this morning. Next on the list is to put the skin on and start drilling. Everything went great for quite a while... you start on the bottom, drilling through the main ribs, then along the spar, finally forward along the bottom of the nose ribs. Now it's time to flip it all over and starting from the trailing edge drill and cleco the top skin up to just behind the spar. The next step is to start at the bottom of the nose rib working up and back to the spar where the skin overlaps and closes everything up... PROBLEM! The skins where bent about 1/2" to far forward at the factory, and they won't wrap around the nose ribs like they're supposed to.
At first I thought I just needed to make them fit, but before long I came to the conclusion that there must be a problem with the skin. A quick trip over to my friend Mike's house to look at his finished Super Rebel flaps confirmed my suspicions... the holes on my skins were much closer to the bend... actually, it was the bend that was much closer to the holes.
For now I'm just setting everything aside and getting started on the ailerons. I'll contact Murphy Aircraft about the skins and then finish up when I get new skins. There is one other part that covers the opening for the center hinge that will need to be replaced too because you back drill through the skin into it... so all the holes will be in the wrong place when the new skins get here.