Now that the stingers are on the skin, it's time to start drilling the ribs and spars to mate up to the pilot holes in the skin.
You start by taking a sharpie and drawing a line down the center of all the rib flanges and both spars. Then you place the skin on the frame and cleco it to the pilot holes in the frame. You have to level and weigh down the whole structure now to ensure it's straight. I used 1 gallon zip lock backs filled with sand, these conform very well to the shape of the stab. now you have to poke, prod, pry, and sometimes cry... to get the black lines you drew on the flanges to show in the skin pilot hole so you can drill through the flange. Cleco as you go and you'll have a nice straight component in no time.
Of course you have to go back and debur all these holes too. And you'll pull the clecos and take the skin off, then put the skin back on and put the clecos back in several times before you're done!
I spent about 10 days working on it off and on when my schedule allowed accomplishing these tasks.