With the work bench finished, it's time to start making airplane parts!
I started out by reading through the chapter on the horizontal stabilizer, then getting out the SR3500 mod updates and sitting down and figuring out exactly what went where. You have to be very careful with this process because Murphy Aircraft supplies you with an SR2500 builders manual, and the 30 or so page package that tells you how to modify a completed SR2500 into an SR3500 or Moose. Some of the parts listed in the chapter inventory weren't provided since they have been superceded, and likewise, I had stab parts that weren't in the chapter inventory.
By taking your time and laying all the parts our on the bench, then carefully comparing the original manual and the Moose mod supplement you can work it all out.
Additionally, once you start drilling... just because the manual says go ahead and drill out these holes... make sure you know if anything else will be going in that area due to the Moose mods. You don't want to drill out holes in the skin where a doubler goes that isn't mentioned in the original manual. The same thing goes when the manual tells you to go ahead and rivet. It sure is tempting to start slapping those rivets in, but be careful... clecos are much easier to remove!
OK, after carefully going through the manual and inventorying all the parts... I got the basic skeletal structure laid out and clecoed together. Only took about 15 minutes to snap it together to get a real good feel for what was to come.
Here are a couple of photos...