If you're really hard core, and maybe just a little bit masochistic you can get up to the minute photos of what's going on in my work shop!
Well almost up to the minute. When I'm actually out there working on something I will have a camera setup to upload snap shots automatically at an interval of 15 - 30 minutes.
Since I anticipate thousands of images, the easiest way to set this up was with folder browsing. What this means is that instead of making web pages, you're browser will just list the contents of the folder... you click on an image name, and then that image is displayed. I've setup the main webcam folder with individual folders for the different airplane components. This way at least when you're looking at a folder with 6000 images in it, you know that the one you pick will be of the wing construction for instance.
I set this up primarily for archive purposes... but it was easy enough to grant access to everyone, so why not.
To view the webcam images, click here: